
class:7                                   work sheet-3 subject: mathematics                      perimeter and area INSTRUCTION: HOME WORK FOR APRIL SECOND AND THIRD WEEK KEY WORDS 1)Circumference of a Circle 2)Area of Circle Based on above video do the following sums circumference of a circle=2𝜋r  where 𝜋=22÷7 and r is radius of circle (d=2r) 1) Find the circumference of the circles with the following radius: (Take π = 22 ÷7 )     (a) 14 cm   (b) 28 mm   (c) 21 cm  1)Perimeter of a semi circle=(36xr)➗7 or πr+2r 2) The diameter of the given semi-circular slice of watermelon is 14 cm. What will be the perimeter of the slice of watermelon?   Area of Circle  1) Area of the circle = πr2 2)Area of semi circle=πr Based on above vi...
class-7                                                worksheet-1 subject-mathematics                        chapter-11                                     PERIMETER AND AREA INSTRUCIONS: -complete the work and send it to the mail- ( - HOMEWORK FOR APRIL FIRST WEEK AND SECOND WEEK KEY CONCEPTS AREA OF A SQUARE PERIMETER OF A SQUARE AREA OF A RECTANGLE PERIMETER OF A RECTANGLE FORMULAE:                               SQUARE                                           ...
Subject:-Mathematics Class:-VII                              chapter-2 FRACTIONS AND DECIMALS [WORKSHEET-1] KEY CONCEPTS:- ADDITION OF FRACTIONS SUBTRACTION OF FRACTIONS ASCENDING ORDER AND DESCENDING ORDER OF FRACTIONS MULTIPLICATION OF FRACTIONS DIVISION OF FRACTIONS ⇾ FROM TEXT BOOK -EX.2.1 in pgno-31 1.(v,vi,vii)  2.(1,2) , 4 and 5 sums based on addition and subtraction of fractions ⇾MULTIPLICATIONS OF FRACTIONS CLICK THE ABOVE LINK AND DO THE SUMS FROM THE TEXTBOOK EX-2.2  /3(ii to ix) HINT:-   ➝EX-2.2 - 5th sum  a)    do the remaining sums like above. CLICK THE FOLLOWING LINK AND OBSERVE HOW TO MULTIPLY MIXED FRACTION BY A WHOLE NUMBER ⇾ do the sums from the textbook EX-2.2/6th sum HINT: - do the remaining sums in the same procedure CLICK THE FOLLOWING LINK FOR HOW TO MULTIPLY FRACTION BY A MIXED...